May 12, 2012 00:07
Long time no talk. However yes, what you're seeing on your screen is correct, I am baaaaaaaaccckkkk. It's been so long since I've been on LJ that I don't even really remember how to work it, but work it I will. *wink*
I'm 18, I'm out on my own now, have been for 2 years, but other than that, not much has changed, which is actually pretty pathetic when I think about it. Jeez. I'm graduating in just a few short weeks from high school and I'm shipping off to Community College in the fall. Yipee! ...not. I'm ecited for college, I'v always wanted to go and I love being a student, however now that I've been living off of my shitty jobs and myself for the past 2 years, I have realised just how god damned expensive everything is. Needless to say college will not be an exception to this fact. So everyday I think to myself how much easier it would be to just, not go, but I tell myself it is the best in the long run. The loooong, looooong, run.
So that is where I currently am in life, if anybody is reading this and is like, "oh yeah! I remember this girl.." well then, Hey! It's been a while! How ya been?