Apr 06, 2008 13:31
It was the first day in a week that it hasn't rained. I was so happy the ran did come because we all needed it. Also I noticed that the trees in my front yard had started blooming again. They are the prettiest trees I've ever seen. The ones closest to the road have these electric purple blooms. I don't know what the trees are called but their so pretty. The sun finally came out thats why I noticed everything. I've been sick all week and today is the first day my head didn't start bothering me again after a few hours..... There is about a month left in school and I'm praying I graduate. I'm coming back in the fall but I just want to take classes that I don't need or something I would like until I transfer. I want to go to Pembroke. I said I wanted to get a B.A in counseling. Pembroke is the first school i found with a B.A in psychology and counseling. The reason I even looked at Pembroke is because when I went on a conference with S.G.A I was thinking about my future and looked up to a billboard promoting Pembroke. I guess it was meant to be a sign. I'm actually thinking positively now because I know being down on myself won't change anything. I'm ready to start a life and do something anything as long as I'm helping people and loving who I am. I want to be happy and I strive for it. I just don't have that one person I need to tell me that everything will be ok. Who can help me along in those rough patches where i go ballistic for no reason and can't control my hate or anger.