Snow White, Rose Red - anti Christmas fic & art

May 05, 2014 23:33

title: Snow White, Rose Red
author: Amber1960
recipient: blythechild
word-count: 12,038 (dunno how it got this long…)
characters: Sam, Dean, Abaddon, Hel
genre: Gen
warnings: Probably a hard R for violence and swearing. Unbetat’d! Liberties taken with Norse mythology.
story/art summary: Abaddon possesses Dean and thinks she has broken both the Mark and the Blade. But she wasn’t counting on Sam, who will go to every length that Dean doesn’t believe he will in order to get his brother back, plumbing depths Sam didn’t even know existed before Gadreel’s deceitful occupation of his body. Art shows Dean as the Mark and Sam with angel powers.

Sammessiah Anti Christmas Exchange for
blythechild who wanted Sam with various hellish creatures. I’ve managed to mention Crowley but mainly feature Abaddon and a Norse goddess. I’ve attempted to go some way towards filling a few of your wishes, namely - unholy powers, epic battle (ish), the boys being badasses, non-Judeo-Christian mythology or gods/goddesses. Sorry I never quite got to the pie.
The prompt that is closest to this fic was - Dean is snatched back to Hell by [insert bad guy/girl of choice here] but Hell hath no fury like Unholy Demon Jesus!Sam...
Oh and there is bonus art at the end. Hope you like it!

art, antichristmas, fic: gen

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