The Dragon That Speaks Like A Lamb
by RF93
randomfandom93 Gift Recipient:
dreamlittleyo (Eep.)
Beta: Unbeta'ed because my Beta ran off to Canada
Pairing: Sam/Dean Established Relationship
Rating: R
Warnings: Torture, Boy!King, Slight Tweaking of Revelation
Spoilers: Extremely AU after AHBL
Wordcount: 9,500
Prompt: “Hell got it wrong. Sam's not the Antichrist after all
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Comments 21
(I loved Zachariah getting stabbed in the face. And CASEY. *adores* Made my NIGHT, man)
I kind of love this world too. If I hadn't been such a lazy bum and put it off to the last minute it would probably be about twice this length.
So happy you liked it!
So my brain melted down, yelling 'Does Not Compute', I went and actually read all the judeo-christian mythology on the Antichrist, and after actually might make more sense than Sam being the Antichrist.
Glad you liked it.
I was trying to figure out how the hell to reboot this verse with all the epic writing going on so far.
So I said to myself, 'You know what kicked ass? The very end of Season 2 and beginning of Season 3. ...Aw...But I need a way to work in Cas.
Because really. Is it SPN without Cas anymore?
I shall have to write a sequel to work in Crowley too. Then my this verse will be complete.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you.
Well, I had the research from Revelation, the quotes, a premise, a basic outline that almost entirely rewrote itself as I went along and about 6 hours of sleep, but I'm rather pleased with the end result myself.
More pleased that someone else actually enjoyed it though. :D
Only found two typos- an extra 'the' when they went back for the teacher and a missing word or something when dean crowned sam the king of hell at his right hand.
I like the story, especially your version of hell.
Canada is lovely but full of canadians, and none of them is you. Miss you.
You did help a bit by giving me your empty house to write in. Thank you for that.
I do rather like my version of hell...though I guess now it's joss'd. ...Or Edlund'd, by making Crowley even more Good Omens-y by Canonizing Terry Pratchett's version of Hell.
Your last sentence implies that I am Canadian.
I am rather hurt by this, as I have never pronounced a letter 'Zed'.
I miss you too, but plan to take the passive agressive approach and exercise, write, clean and film exhaustively for the next two months until you get back and I can afford better. :P
That's right. *motions to flab* ALLL OF THIS.
I will totally bet you that i will have increased my sexiness by a greater percentage than you when i get back. I phrased it like that to give you a handicapp because you are naturally sexier than me and i doubt i'll catch up.
Now we just need some way to quantify sexy.
Also, YOU didn't figure out where Chapman was from? Really?
Come on now. Check your geeky nostalgia files.
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