Title: Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match
immortal_jedi Wordcount: 579
Rating: PG
Characters: Azazel, Sam, Dean, Jess, mentions of Sam/Jess, Dean/various
Summary: Azazel is trying to find his boys "proper" companions- proper in this case being evil- but Sam and Dean just won't cooperate. Sam seems to be falling for a lovely, but unfortunately good, young woman named Jess and Dean isn't interested in settling down at all
Spoilers/Warning: You need to know who Azazel is. Otherwise, you’re good to go.
AN: This… this story sprung pretty much fully formed out of my head during a IM conversation with
pathsforme, who also provided a second look at the story. Anyway… it’s crack, with added evil Sam and Dean. Sorry.
Where had he gone wrong?