Dec 30, 2007 13:43
i still need a going down hill for sure ive been sleeping in till 1 or 2 and getting wasted every night...and not remembering getting home. or anything that i did....o well. i guess..
but anyway...ive been hanging out with nate again a lot lately like that past 4 days straight...i dont know whats going on with that....but last night was fun at js everyone was there including caleb who i havent seen since my junior year random as hel i guess that they are cousins r something idk but it was fun i dont remember people leaving tho...o and me n nate almost died a deer walked out in front of us and i breaked we spun we almost hit mail boxs and went in the ditch then drove away was fun..
so brad called me friday night and i didnt know who it was so i answered and i havent talked to him in months...we had this huge falling out and he called to tell me that hes moving to florida in 2 months and i didnt know what to say i mean i want to be on a good note with him but with everything weve been through i feel its best to not even talk to him at all...i told him we were finebut i still had nothing to say to him and he didnt even know what to just so sick of everyhting with us...weve been friends for like 5 years and im sick of getting into a fight and then he calls me months later and wants to hang out again..but this time it was bad and i dont want any part in his life anymore im over it all with him...weve been through so much and still nothing ever changes...and now hes leaving for good and frankly im fine with that...i mean i love him i always will we use to be so close and tell eachother everything but im fine with....this is the thing with me and brad we can go for months without talking and it not even bother us...he will do so good in florida with music and everything its the best move for him...but i just dont understand why he had to call and tell so done with that whole situation with him..we will leave on a good note but i will not hang out with him before he leaves...soo goodbye good friend...
Happy Birthday Huss...21 its gonna be a crazy night. thats for damn sure..