
Feb 03, 2009 21:20

Toronto Old City Hall,
originally uploaded by sam_cw_leung.

It’s definitely been a long time since I posted. Anything, for that matter. What have I even been bothering doing since the beginning of the year? Well…plenty.

Remember that DSLR I picked up on Boxing Day? I’ve been using it pretty much every weekend. It’s become quite the habit for me to take pictures consistently and try to get better at it every week.

That picture over there? It’s Toronto’s Old City Hall, taken January 30th. I’ve been working on my night photography, and have found that my hands shake less when they’re well frozen. Good idea, no?

I’ve also been working pretty hard with my voice lessons - I’ve gone twice now, and I really enjoy it. My voice teacher’s been encouraging me to join a community choir. I’ll give it some thought, but I don’t think I’ll be ready for it just yet.

Work’s been going well…busy, despite the economy. The other week, our President was talking about us being in a bit of a downtime….and suddenly, we’re all working our butts off again.

I’ve got most of my vacation planned out for the first half of this year. Be hitting up Boston in March, and Asia at the end of April. The former should be pretty relaxing, and chilling with friends, but the latter will be quite hectic. I’ll be gallavanting through China with no remorse and even less rest. It’ll be fantastic though.

I’ve been thinking of doing a photo a day on this blog until I get bored or just forget to update it. We’ll see how it goes.

Until next time…

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