Jan 20, 2005 19:34
soo today nothing really happened in school cept for soc - we won jeopordy!! YEA SCOTTY!!!! lauren haha..they ended up with my shoes somehow haha......... so kickbox :D grreeattt. I HAVE A SIX PACK! (i could be an excerize model - harry otto) well im jenny's personal nutrientionist. NO MORE COOKIES FOR YOU! my dad says yes about cholë and my mom says MAYBE. me, my rents, and allison are going to visit cholë and her litter (lol) on saturday-YAY! that will change my mommas mind. but if we choose to get her, we have to wait untill the end of feb. because we dont want to have to leave her with someone the first week we get her!!! (feb vaca) so whatever - better late then never. i have soooooo much studying to do!!!! then the oc ahh
xoxo sam
ps. EYEWITNESS NEWS WAS IN TOWN TODAY (getting a coffee?) anyway check it for me and jenny ;)