Jan 11, 2005 20:27
Slept in your bed: besides me, liza.
Saw you cry: idk i havent cried in a while :) well actually liza, gee, alex, and karly when i laughed so hard in 'love actually' when the octupus was like 'maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' hahahahaha
Made you cry: probably some loser boy, but i dont remeber
You went to the movies with: NICOLE! lemony snicket it vermont <33 love you!
You went to the mall with: MIA! burberry hats , mini juicy tags ahhh
Yelled at you: allison when i wasn't paying attention and it was my turn in monopoly
Said they were going to kill you: san
You had the funniest discussion with: liza in oragami (will you go to the dance with me?)
Said "I love you" and meant it? HAH good one.
Gotten in a fight w/ your dog/cat/bird/fish,etc.? heck yes i did
Been to New York? umm yea
Been to Florida? yea
Hawaii? no
Mexico? no
China? no
Canada? no
Danced naked? in the shower
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day? umm probably
Got a really bad feeling about something then it happened? that happens like every second
Wish you were the opposite sex? once a month i do
Thought you had scarlet fever? i actuallydid once hah.
Had an imaginary friend? yea sammy
Red or blue? blue
Spring or fall? spring
Santa or Rudolph? rudolph
Math or English? ENGLISH!!!
What are you going to do after you finish this survey? eating the brownies me and allison made
What was the last food you ate? brownies that me and allison made .. dont tell jenny.
Are you bored? why do u think im taking this survey thing
How many buddies are on? 135 counting santa clause but everyone has their am on anyway. yea i just spent like 5 minutes doing that math...
Last movie you saw in theatres? lemony snicket! nicole = life ahhh
Last noise you heard? scotts TV - he watches unfabulous 24/7
Do you have a crush on someone? no. well sorta but its not really considered it.
Do they know? hah NO WAY
What's his/her name? why dont i just post it on the internet?
What do you think of ouija boards? bullcrap
What book are you reading now? on top of the world
What's on your mouse pad? me nicole and georgeana as charlies angels, but my brothers drew all over gee and nicoles face hahaha
Favourite magazine? seventeen and cosmogirl
Worst feeling in the world? boys being boys .. and shots! lol
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? clap on! clap off!
Future daughter's name? i havent decided yet
Future son's name? eric mason
Chocolate or vanilla? with ice cream - vanilla, most anything else, chocolate
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? BLUEYYY duh
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? makeup artist
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? no
What's under a pen a tissue and a remote? my clock? or is that a riddle haha
Favourite sport to watch? basketball if any but i dont really like to
Your Hair Color: light brown
Eye Color: hazel
Height Currently: 5'4
Glasses/contacts: no
Current Age: 13
Siblings: 2
Siblings Age: two brothers , 17 and 15
Location: armonk!
College Plans: miami or LAU. thats cuz im def not going to ivy league. but if i was, princeton or brown!!!!
Any Piercings: 4 on ears and hopefully soon , navel -jayme loved that
Boyfriend: hah no way
Current Crush: didnt we just like do this
Hobbies: FH ! kickbox & snowfootball!! and boarding<3
What Type Automobile Do You Drive: gorilla !! haha
Are You Timely Or Always Late: timely
Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: no
Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex : yea
Are You Lonely Right Now: right now? i guess i mean im like alone in my house besides my brothers and my mom who is sleeping haha
Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: i never thought about that lol. well i guess i am now
Do You Want To Get Married: duh
Do You Want Kids: yea
Room In house: my room
Type of music: alternitive and pop
Song: sunday morning
Memory: idk i have a lot
Day Of The Week: saturday and friday
Color: pink
Perfume or colonge: pink sugar
Flower: dafedels
Month: april / july
Season: SUMMER!
Location for dates: their house
Cried: no
Bought Something: yay for shopbop!
Gotten Sick: no
Sang: probably
Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: no because i didnt want to
Met Someone New: no
Moved On: umm no i already did like 5 years ago ha
Talked To Someone: no i spent the last 24 hours in a shell ??
Had A Serious Talk: i guess
Missed Someone: yea everyday
Hugged Someone: ALI !!!!!!!!
Kissed Someone: no
Fought With Your Parents: yea because they bought like pounds of cosi bread and GAVE IT ALL TO SCOTT!!!!!
Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: like, colon farrell.
Had a lot of sleep: yea i guess yesterday b4 the ELAs