Jan 08, 2005 23:18
friday night
girls night out - me liza gee allison jenny mia alex went to KIRA STEAK for dinner .. monkey boy was our chief and he was absoulutely PHYSCO!!! he like threw shrimp at jenny and mia and they are allergic (well actually i think jenny made that up lol) and like he always messed up with his tricks. also he gave georgeana like ALL the food hahaha. and he took a picture with liza (LASO) because it was her birthday!!!!!! then frankie came in to say hi <333333 and we went back to play love caluculator and such.
saturday morning
fischers barmitzvah - partayyyy , the lady in the bathroom who yelled at us and the best part ever: SNOWBALL!!!!!!!!! petey morgs ahhh !! llol jake ruskin and adam katain some pimps we got there...no dessert though :( but the cake was good. and erics little bro was sooooooooo cute!!! ahh i love jordon goldstein (bubblestien) 's SMOOTH FACE!!!!!
saturday night
first liza and gee came over and we chillaxed until alex and karly came over!! we watched the end of my girl , LOVE ACTUALLY -best movie ever, and an episode of sex and the city. it was actually really fun-the thing is its another girls night because all the boys are gayed out. thats ok i love them ...... allison wasnt able to come though. idk why ...
anyway gee and liza are still here (YESSS!)
i love youuuuuuu love sam!