Jul 25, 2010 20:15
I'm still ill and I think it must be stress-related.
I've heard of people developing gastric ulcers post-surgery and I think something vaguely related is happening to me. I've had a couple of full blown panic attacks, some near panic attacks and a lot of digestive stress.
To add to it all: the self injury burns I inflicted on monday have become quite badly infected and are not healing at all. I did think they were borderline 3rd degree but now I am sure of it - they have no pain senstation and are almost completely white. Grizzly to look at.
I suppose I shall have to go to the doctors tomorrow to see what can be done about them. It will be humiliating and awkward as they are obviously self-inflicted but they appear to be getting worse rather than healing. I have been flushing them with saline but they fill up with pus very quickly. I really need to restock my first aid kit.
In happier news: Boris gave me a hug today - he put his paws either side of my next and nuzzled my face. It made everything instantly better.
Then he took a crap in the hall, lol.