The last two days have been quite busy...

Jul 11, 2005 18:16

I was going to write an entry last night but i ended up talking to people on MSN for ages and didn't quite finish it, you know who you are... I won't name names. And i decided to leave it until this evening so that i could write about today aswell.

Yesterday evening i went to see R.E.M, who are now officiallly my favourite band and have taken the Sam award for best live show off the Levellers. The gig was in the words of Michael Stipe, after the entire crowd sang along to 'Imitation of Life' it was 'fucking cool!'. The entire evening was great, the support bands (Jonathan Rice, Idlewild and the Zutons) were great and R.E.M themselves polayed for over two hours and in total they played 24 songs, here is a list in rough order:-

Bad Day
What's the Frequancy Kenneth?
The One I Love
The Outsiders (Michael attempted to fill in the Q-tip section of the song, he did pretty well considering)
So Fast, So Numb
Strange Currencies
Everybody Hurts (which Michael dedicated to the people affected by the London bombings, i was singing along at the top of my lungs! This is by far my favourite of their songs)
These Days
Electron Blue (very unusual song, still not sure if i like it...)
I Wanted to Be Wrong (bloody fantastic, i loved it!)
Electrolite (Yay!)
Orange Crush (The loud speaker did make an appearance, yay!)
Leaving New York (dedicated to errrr New York, Michael's second home)
Losing My Religion (hmmmm i think i sung along to this too, i don't remember...)

Around this point there was a small intermition type thing, you know the old leave them wanting more game and wait as long as possible so the crowd starts to go nuts and stamp and yell etc.

As last night was supposed to be the last night of the tour, until the Hyde Park gig (scheduled for Saturday night) was postponed at the request of the Metropolitan Police, before they came back on there was a countdown of sorts on the screens... Showing the locations of all of the gigs on this tour, there really were a hell of a lot of them!!

When they came back on Michael was wearing a Wales Rugby shirt, with Stipe 1 on the back which got a great response from the crowd :)

Imitation of Life (after which Michael made the above comments and threw the rugby shirt in to the crowd, and he went on to point out the charities that the band have been supporting on this tour namely Amnesty International and Oxfam and he gave a shout out to the tour staff)
Great Beyond (yay!)
Walk Unaffraid (i was definately singing along to this one...)
Exhuming McCarthy (which was dedicated to someone in the crowd, i didn't hear Michael's explantion because he was drowned by the crowd yelling)
Next they played a new song, i think it was titled 'I'm gonna DJ' or 'I wanna DJ' i'm not sure it was quite cool...
And last but by no means least Man on the Moon, which was bloody wonderful!!!

It was a bloody wonderful evening, me and my dad had a wonderful time!! And one of my dad's friends who wasn't really a fan who went along to the gig with some friends, is now apparently converted and wants me to burn him copies of all of their albums :)

I have yet to talk to a friend of mine who was there, she was adamant that she would be down the front as close to Michael as possible... Hmmmmm i wonder if she got any of the clothing he threw into the crowd, when he left the stage he only just had his trousers... Hehe everything else was thrown to the fangirls and probably fanboys...

So that was yesterday... Today was my Graduation Ceremony, so another busy day. I have had alll sorts of gyp with the organisation of the bloody thing, the organisation has been inept. I wasn't sent my alotted tickets, and was sent no information about the structure of the ceremony or where i was supposed to go the only way i knew was from asking friends. And to make it even more annoying the eltter containing to breakdown of my results was sent to my stepmother's address!! I havet told the Academic Registry for or five fucking times this year that i don't live there and neither does my dad and i asked them to list my permenant address as being my Cardiff address (what with it being where i live and all) but they just refuse to change it the bunch of wankers. The History Department took the fucking hint after i went in and told them to change it, i dunno what is going on with the Registry...

Anyhoo all that hoo ha aside, it was a very nice ceremony and i really ebnjoyed myself :) Even if i think i look silly in the cap and gown, according to Kim i look very handsome... She even cried when she opened the door and i was wearing the entire get up, it soo sweet :)

The ceremony itself was very well organised and the speeches were cool, well Neil Kinnock's were... It turns out that Lord Kinnock (the former leader of the Labour Party and EU Commission member) is the President of Cardiff University, i totally forgot about that. His comments about inappropriate footwear were very amusing :)

I could have done without the speeches from the people getting Honourary Fellowships... They were Mike Ruddock the Wales Rugby coach, who talked for bloody ages and read a sodding awful poem, oh joy :( And Steve Morgan who was the Founder of Redrow... Joygasm builder jokes... Hey ho at least Lord Kinnock made up for it with his humorous closing speech :)

There will be pictures soon... Including some fun ones of me with my replica wand, that Kim got me for my birthday :)

And that concludes this huge entry...
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