Title: Much (1/1)
the_beccaroo Rating: PG
Pairing: Sam/Kurt
Characters: Sam, Kurt, Burt, mentions of Carole and Finn
Warnings: Awesome dads being awesome. Sam being a goof. College!age future fic.
Words: ~2000
Disclaimer: Not mine not mine not mine not mine. Promise! (*frownyface*)
Summary: Kurt’s at college, Burt’s at home. They still manage to look out for each other. A sweet Burt and Kurt moment. Future fic.
AN: Dedicated to dimmiekins because her headcanon inspired this moment utterly and completely and also to iidiosyncratic to creating the gorgeous
manip that inspired the headcanon that inspired the moment that inspired this fic. (Look ma, my logic thread has no end!) Check them both out on tumblr, they’re fab.
oh please, say to me, this is a fake cut)