Title: Halfway Human (4/?)
mildly_obsessedRating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Sam/Kurt
Word Count: ~7300
Summary: Loneliness overwhelms Kurt, and one drunken night he places an order - for a companion Orgobot.
Warnings: Swearing.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee and am in no way affiliated with the show or its creators.
A/N: Fill for a fic meme prompt
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Yes, I tried to make the world clear and give some reasoning behind Kurt's distancing himself from Sam. There are major issues concerning the proper way to treat Orgobots, what's acceptable and what's not, that play a key role in this fic, so I wanted to get some of them down for readers to see and (hopefully) understand.
Yay fashion date! But I snatched that away for now. I'm cruel. I know.
Sam is a very advanced piece of technology - made to be as human-like as possible - so I try to get that across in my descriptions and I'm glad I succeed!
Sam has many creys in this story, I'm afraid. There are more to come. I really am so mean to him. I honestly don't know why, I love him so much, I really do. ;_;
I'm glad you think he's cute! I just have this lovely adorkable image of him in my head, and that's how he comes out :)
I had to make the nod to canon, lol! It was a perfect place for it!
I'll have to stay silent on all that, as I don't want to give anything away! I'm going to try to update sooner than I did this time around, so bear with me!
And thank you so, so much. You're always so supportive and it really gets me writing even when I feel like all I produce is crap. =_=;
Thanks so much for the wonderful comment! <3
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