Title: The Cake is Not a Lie: An Asexual Glee Love Story
Pairing: Kurt/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Schoomp, pure, utter unadulterated fluff
Summary: Kurt is troubled. Kurt talks to Sam. Sam has the same troubles. They bond.
Disclaimer: So very definitely not mine.
Notes: After
revengent wrote me
this amazing asexual Sam/Kurt love story the idea festered in
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Asexuality is as fluid as any other sexuality. There are hard core aces that don't masturbate, don't have sex, nothing, there are some that occassionaly have sex, maybe once or twice a year, and sometimes masturbate, there are some that masturbate but don't have sex, and then you have people who are aromantic, who often love sex, but don't feel emotional ties to a partner.
For an Ace I know I'm pretty sex-positive and pretty informed about things. I watch porn - even if only for the lulz, I read and write about sex (though I tend to research it like woah and ask horribly personal questions to people since I have nothing to go on, and I make lots of innuendo jokes. I'm told I "pass" as a sexual very well, which makes me giggle. Because really, ew.
My friends are constantly puzzled by the fact that I'm an asexual.... ....who wants to open a super cool, feminist, sex-positive sex shop in my country/city. XD
I also consider myself gay and oogle at celebrities*cough*CHRIS COLFER*cough* so a lot of sexual friends try to tell me im not "a real asexual." :P
Loved this fic. Dont think I'd ever read an asexy!Kurt fic but it truly makes sense and would totally fit in canon. so awesome!!! :)
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