Title: Secret Admirer
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Kurt
Genre: Fluff
Warning: A little swearing, I think. I don't remember.
Spoilers: Up to Silly Love Songs
Disclaimer: I don't own. If I did... I don't even know. I'd probably die of shock.
A/N: Manning said something wanting Kurt to be chased while I was in my college class... and I didn't feel like writing about suicide, so I wrote this instead. This is also an apology to those who read Arrival, because I've been REALLY busy with school and work. It should be up soon though... maybe.
Summary: Kurt has a secret admirer... and many roses.
Word Count: ~2,400
"Yeah, well, if I'm going to be dyslexic, I gotta be good at something else.