No time for posting, too busy living...

Mar 22, 2010 22:14

Life's been going well these days, but I've not had time to post. Still don't, but I'll see what I can do. :P The following consists of a very random assortment of updates....
Work's going well, keeping me busy. Sidney's lovely, too; I still take go for lunch-break walks and enjoy the sea air, spring flowers, and other delights. Back at home, we are finally getting the house into a respectable state (though the aloe vera is still living in a cardboard box on the dining table, Chris promises that that will change before long). I finally got my paper edited to the point where I could submit it to the Canadian Journal of Archaeology; it was sent back once for further revisions (but with a pretty positive review) and after I submitted it the second time I haven't heard back. It's good to get that out of the way!
After having made drastic alterations in my diet for the past four or so months, I'm going to try some of those supposed allergens again on the naturopath's advice, see what happens, and hopefully segue into eating them again. I've not noticed too many, if any, changes since doing this, so it may be all okay. I've been cautioned, though--and do agree that I probably ought to be wary--not to overdo these things and make habits of them the way I did before. If nothing else, this diet has taught me the possibility and pleasure of variety (not to mention vegan baking and coconut flour) and it would probably be healthiest if I could maintain a relatively high degree of variety. Unfortunately I suspect this might become a sticking point, as Chris, who until now has seemed supportive, is very much a creature of habit with regards to food and... appears not to see things quite the same way. I do hate having to explain and justify a third party to someone, I really hate it, so I don't want to try to argue in defense of the naturopath, but... argh. Life... just stinks sometimes, eh?
Attended the ASBC meeting this month; it was last Tuesday and very awesome. The lecturer was actually a grad-school colleague of mine, whose work on Paleolithic art has recently exploded into the media; fascinating work, and it's inspiring and amazing to be around someone who appears suddenly to have an entire lifetime of chasing their passion laid out before them. Sometimes, I suppose, the road just opens up for someone, and all they can do is thank their lucky stars--or deity of choice--and take the opportunity.
It was a little like that when I got my job, I think; whenever I think about it, I feel very lucky to have gotten the place I did, at this time (in my life and in general, with the economy where it is) and for everything to have fallen into place the way it has.
I'm starting to think about having a life again, which feels great; I've made time to chat with a few friends and hope to start being able to get together with people. Might even go swimming with c_m_g one of these days!
Must go and get ready for bed, it's getting very late.
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