Jan 23, 2007 15:52
I have updated this sporadically since we sold our house in June.. I really need to do more updating!
So.. since my post on June 20, 2006, here's what has happened.
*A few days after that sign went up I found out I was unexpectedly expecting baby #3 and VERY upset about it as Mike and I have felt for quite a few years that our family was complete. Obviously, Someone had different plans!
*June 30th was the big move day! We got moved in and started getting settled.
*Middle of July we went on vacation to a music festival. Lasted 1 night before a HUGE storm came through, soaking all of our stuff and we decided to come home and dry it all out rather then suffer wet everything and the very hot, humid weather that was supposed to come through after the storm while I was in the midst of first trimester morning sickness
*end of July, Mike was laid off from the job that caused the move. He was out of work for 2 months which turned out to be more of a blessing in disguise then a major hardship.
*By October, both of us were re-employed and doing great
Kids have settled in and are loving it over here. They have both made quite a few friends and are in the midst of of celebrating birthdays. Nathan just turned 9 on 1/12 and Tyler will be 13 on 2/11!! Can you believe it? Wrestling season is in full swing and the kids are doing great!
Oh, and the littlest one? Yeah.. C-section scheduled for 2/13 unless baby decides to come earlier (which, at this point, I wouldn't complain!) I'm ready for it, and more then ready to not be pregnant again or ever again :)
Phew! So there's the update! If you need more details, just ask :)