Apr 28, 2005 20:55
I'm sick and tired of not doing anything wrong and getting cut down. Every time I'm just doing something totaly innocent and normal I get fucking shut down, but when I'm actually being a bitch no one ever does anything. This family is what's wrong with me. My mother doesn't even know how to be a mother, my brother thinks he's my fucking father, and my dad doesn't even support us so we can do anything normal like buy new clothes or go on school field trips. Fuck.
I'm just sick of it. I'm not even doing anything wrong. I don't understand what the hell is wrong with these people.
I absolutly hate everything, seriously. I can't even afford to get a new fucking pair of pants. What the hell happened? Why isn't my mom getting fucking divorced so he has to legally start supporting us? She's fucking lazy, thats why. She doesn't want to get off her ass and do anything about this. It's too much of a hassle. Being able to buy enough food is a hassle. Being able to clothe her children is a hassle. Being able to help her kids through school is a hassle. We have no money because she spends it all on drugs. Fuck.
How am I supposed to get a fucking job when she expects my marks to be so high? How am I supposed to getinto university without really high marks? This is all bullshit. I shouldn't have to worry about this.
I know, we'll give Ken a car, and a couple hundred bucks, and start helping him into school, and we'll tell Sam that we can't do anything for her. That way it's fair.
Fuck you. Seriously.