Lily Allen is awesome... you should check her out.
So... weird little update to share with all you kind folks. My mother just applied for this job in Georgia [the state]. And I thought that she and my father were going to go down there after I graduate high school in June. Well! Turns out that if my mom gets this job, she's going to move to Georgia in like... a few weeks. Yep, just her. She's planning on leaving me and my dad here. Haha it's sooo strange. I'm not so sure how she'd do living on her own, quite frankly. Oh well. I'll keep you posted. Oh man. I've always wanted to say that.
Let's see... what else. I've been watching a lot of Sabrina the Teenage Witch lately. Very awesome.
Well, okay. I'm kinda sick of trying to think of things, so I'm gonna go. Back later!
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