catching up

Aug 05, 2010 08:13 takes a while to read and catch up on everyone's journal even logging in twice a week. So be it.

I'm currently driving this "party in a box on wheels" since Chrysler redesigned the convertibles and my 2008 has a major malfunction that has it in the shop for weeks and no use of the top while I can drive it intermittently. My 1998 lasted 10 years. The 2008 less than two years; thanks for NOTHING, Chrysler. You can stuff your "redesign" back into the stupid hole it came from.

Now that I've got *that* off my chest; on to beautiful garden veggie pictures!

The squash/melon/mystery has fruited! I'm still guessing pumpkin. This sucker is at the top of the 6 foot privacy fence. I'll get out some netting to support t as it gets bigger.

So there I was, thinking my cucumbers had muled out. I was weeding underneath the rampant vine(s) and trying to keep them from strangling the tomatoes and peppers, when I found some well develped cukes.

I'm also grabbing peppers who had recovered from the ninja rabbit attack:

And no August garden picture album is complete without:


That's all folks, I'm off to the nursery to see if I can pick up cheap mature plants to complete the corner of the deck.

vegetarian, peace, harmony, gaia, prosperity 2.0, life, garden

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