mid year report on 2009 goals

Jun 01, 2009 14:04

through my thoughts
through my emotions
through my actions
experience my divinity
experience my humanity

Mindfully. Peacefully.

1. Stop reading books/websites about how to get out of debt, declutter your office/home/life, or find your dream job. None of these conditions exist.

Check. Mostly just reading blogs or an occasional self-help book for interesting information, useful tidbits, and affirmation.

2. Commit to exercising each day.

I exercise about 1-2 times a week. Not good enough. I have a thousand excuses. I have some limitations. I'm hiring a personal trainer; one who knows me, is knowledgable about myoskeletal systems, and will tailor a program to me: mind, body, spirit. I'm keeping a food log. I will see my PT twice a week for the next 10 weeks. My goal is to drop 20 pounds by August 19 - when I go to China. Due to meds, my blood pressure is up and my folic acid is down. Exercise will help.

3. Stop the self-sabotage and negative self-talk.

See above 1000 excuses. I have become much more aware of all my excuses and little lies I tell myself. Still working on it especially in times of stress.

4. Meditate 10 minutes or longer each day. (Stretch: Sit in Zazen once a week.)

Check. Daily meditation is going well. Sitting in Zazen is a little problematic. I need to commit.

5. Don't go digital on February 17. It'll save money and liberate time.

Check. I have one analog channel slated to disappear on June 16. I've been getting DVDs from the library if I feel the need to veg out in fron of the telly.

6. Commit to an anti-inflammation (mostly vegetarian) lifestyle.

Check. I stopped most of the supplements. I am taking multi with iron, ca with d, super b with c and probiotic. See #2 for a better way than magic pills.

7. Eat 75% local (100 mile) nutrition.

Easier to do now that the farmer's market is open. My garden is producing.

8. Eliminate packaged foods to all extent possible.

Check. Trash has been reduced by 50%. Recycling (mostly cardboard) is also reduced.

9. Maintain the "clean desk" policy at work including multi-project, single-task approach.

Check. Work is fabulous. The career plan is working. I am happy and productive.

10. Identify and apply for international opportunities for scientific exchange for 2009 and 2010. (Stretch: Participate in an exchange this year.)

Check and Check! I applied for a trip to and am going to China on a scientific exchange this year.

11. Reduce waste in the household. Increase recycling.

Check. Recycling more things, but overall quanitity is down due to success at #8.

12. Determine and follow a financial plan and schedule for home improvements (roof, bathroom, deck, etc).

Check. I have a plan. Money is saved. Just need to take the plunge and hire contractors to do the work not within my skill set. M&M are coming over tonight to help with some of the smaller two-person jobs.

13. Learn to play the Djembe.

Check. I don't have much rythm, but I got soul!

14. Develop a new social circle of friends that is not predicated on work or alcohol.

Still working on this. I might join a dart league. I've been hanging out with M&M.

15. Attend at least 6 meetups.

On track. Difficult to get out of the house once I'm home from work. Meds make me tired.

16. Enjoy a glass of wine occasionally.

Check. I have an occasional taste of some good beer or wine.

17. Fully fund TSP retirement account. Partially fund Roth IRA. (Stretch: Fully fund the Roth IRA.)


18. Expand the garden beds. (Stretch: Plant dwarf fruit trees.)

Check? No expansion this year - or not exactly. I had intended to take out part of the backyard lawn for new beds to double the available space, but I am putting in perennials along the side of the house (mints, lemon balm, oregano, etc). Mom gifted me a dwarf lemon tree for inside. It's blooming and fruiting right now. Good combination of light & heat. I'll have a blueberry in the patio pot and blackberries under the tree on the old root-bound compost pile.

19. Explore rain water catchment for irrigating the garden beds. (Stretch: Implement.)

In progress.

20. Be open to other's involvement in my life.

Working on this.

21. Ride my bike for enjoyment at least twice a week, weather permitting. (Stretch: Use bike/trailer to do local shopping on weekend. Big Stretch: Ride to work once a week.)

Working on this.

22. Attend a weekend retreat at a local monastery.

Check! I'll probably spend another weekend this month with the Good Sisters.

I'm satisfied.

work, diy, peace, harmony, life, health, home

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