
May 10, 2009 14:12

Finished the lawn care. Edged, trimmed, mulched. Patio set up. Marigolds planted near the toad house. Lemon tree repotted.

Still to be accomplished: strawberry fountain, patio palm transplant, new beds to be tilled, plum tree stump to be removed, water catchment installation, irrigation for beds, hanging baskets, bean poles.

Time enough to watch the birds. I saw a flicker this morning - red head, spotted back, white tail, black bib - on the ground scooping up ants.

The peonies are ready to burst. Tulips past their prime. Yellow is the color for the annuals this year; really pops out under the shade.

New this year: pak choy. The oregano is up. Lemon balm everywhere; delicious tea. Finally, tomato & cabbage plants, ready to be transplanted to the garden bed:

peace, harmony, gaia, life, garden

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