aliens vrs monsters

May 27, 2009 11:06

pretty fun movie....
lots of references to other sci fi movies
"Space balls!!!"
"The Invisible Man died of a heart attack... in that chair..."  they look. "he's still there."
giving the aliens The Vulcan hand sign plus the close encounters theme music
"Destroy All Monsters!!!"

The Missing Link: [about Susan] She's speechless!
B.O.B.: She?
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: Yes. We are in the prescence of the rare female monster.
B.O.B.: No way! It's a boy; look at his boobies!
The Missing Link: We need to have a talk.

The President of the United States: Commander, do something violent.

my fav
Wendy Murphy: Oh, honey, ever since you were a little baby, I knew... you would save the world from an alien invasion.

Advisor Hawk: We need our best scientists on this. Somebody call India.

[Susan wakes up on board Gallaxhar's spaceship in a containment cell]
Gallaxhar: [enters on a personal hovercraft] This all must seem strange to you. Waking up in a strange place, wearing strange clothes, and talking to a strange being on a strange hovering device.
Susan Murphy: Hardly, this isn't the first time this has happened to me.
Gallaxhar: [surprised] Wow, you really get around.

I have to note here that EACH time Susan... the 50ft tall 18 yr old.... woke up from being knocked uncon... someone took her clothes off of her and put on another different body suit on her.

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