1. oi. a summerday. getting up at 10. have breakfast with the newspaper on the balcony. go to uni, have class (yes I love uni. it is some kind of ideal), have lunch in the park, hang out with friends in the park. Go home, cook something, a warm and clear night, hang out on Kathi's rooftop terrace with her and jan, talk and listen to music. Just one draft of an ideal day for me :)
2. France or Switzerland
3. It is an Elvenname. Got it from a UK Lotr site that doesn't exist anymore :( ehm 501 is my car numberplate. had to come up with something when they would let me take Elrénia alone in LJ *hehe*
4. Interview with the Vampire... BUT: I watched a VERY VERY touching german film this night in TV. God, I couldn't sleep for two hours after that.
5. Mully. Or Sculder. They are one, aren't they :)
and you have to see it, It is so cool. But I have read the boks by Anne Rice as wel, so maybe I just like it so much because the atmosphere is so authentic. and because I like dark romantic stuff.
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
3. What does Elrenia mean? I'm sure I've asked before but I've forgotten :blush:. And why 501?
4. Favourite film?
5. Mulder or Scully? ;D
a summerday. getting up at 10. have breakfast with the newspaper on the balcony. go to uni, have class (yes I love uni. it is some kind of ideal), have lunch in the park, hang out with friends in the park. Go home, cook something, a warm and clear night, hang out on Kathi's rooftop terrace with her and jan, talk and listen to music. Just one draft of an ideal day for me :)
2. France or Switzerland
3. It is an Elvenname. Got it from a UK Lotr site that doesn't exist anymore :( ehm 501 is my car numberplate. had to come up with something when they would let me take Elrénia alone in LJ *hehe*
4. Interview with the Vampire... BUT: I watched a VERY VERY touching german film this night in TV. God, I couldn't sleep for two hours after that.
5. Mully. Or Sculder. They are one, aren't they :)
5 = cheat. :P
and you have to see it, It is so cool. But I have read the boks by Anne Rice as wel, so maybe I just like it so much because the atmosphere is so authentic. and because I like dark romantic stuff.
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