Jul 18, 2012 20:44
Things I should be doing right now:
- Cleaning out Langly's cage. I lost my darling girl last night, and I lost the adorable she'd grip my finger with her two front paws, and snuffle into my hand, and constantly creep up to say hello to me when she'd hear me in the room, and I'm so sad.
- Answering some of my 10103 emails and lj comments.
- Working on my counselling assignment. God I forgot how boring essay writing is.
- Ironing my uniform for tomorrow.
- Possible applying for a different job, or at least deciding if I'm going to apply for said job.
- Giving up and getting a couple of hours extra sleep cos I clearly need it.
- Replying to the person who wants to by some of my surplus hammy stuff.
- Something remotely useful or important or developing or you know, THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.
What I'm actually doing:
- Watching David Tennant talk about Shakespeare on telly and drinking tea.
i work hard at my procrastination,
burton's accidental hamster rescue