I should thank you by...thanking you

Feb 22, 2009 03:51

Have to say, this was by far my least favourite ep of the season so far, perhaps even ever. I don't get the whole Tigh/Six thing, Adama needs to either stop drinking or have this not-so-subtle plotline come to a head already, and Ellen was the least entertaining I've ever seen her. My two favourite moments were a) Chief knowing instantly it was Boomer, and b) Starbuck back in her Viper, albeit briefly. I'm working on the theory they are doing a low-lying suspense thing so we will fully appreciate the last few eps. Which are coming way too soon. Eep.

Hurray, it's the return of the Joss dialogue! Plus lots of suspense and character development and winding up of plotlines just waiting to be unraveled. Much better. Also, a big woop for badger badger badger lampkin bob-the-fire-guy Mark Shepperd. I luffs him. :D

A request of you, dear f-list. As of yesterday, my mission101 time was up (see tag for more details if this is new to you.) Whilst I do a little evaluation of what I did and didn't achieve (which, knowing me, will take a year within itself) I'm writing a new list to do over the next few years. I thought I'd ask you all to suggest things for me to do, if you like. You might think of things that wouldn't occur to me or put a new angle on things. So go on, what should I challenge myself with/do/see/learn over the next 2 and 3 quarter years? Suggestions in the (comment) box.

dollhouse, bsg, mission 101

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