subaru's performance of "Mr. Traveling Man" on Shounen Club Premium brought me to tears. his voice is really amazing. he does get a little (what randy jackson calls) "pitchy", but on the whole... it's really got that quality that strikes at your heart.
in other, but no less bizarre or k8 related, news,
xiola_azuthra, remember talking about what i would to do for Uchi if he dated me (based on the "date with uchi" video clip we watched on CR)? ninmu SHIPPAI (in terms of artistic merit, not edibility)!!! ^O^;;;;;;;;; i will show you a picture of this terrible failure. i blame the ketchup bottle. entirely. it has absolutely nothing to do with my poor penmanship.
and the rest of you on the flist are wondering what kind of crack i'm on, right? awesome.