The Children of Men - The Rant of Race & Religion

Sep 02, 2009 15:32

The Children of Men
The Rant of Race & Religion

By: Ahad Ahmed

We are the children of men. The children of other men who raped and ravaged, sacked and killed for purpose of power. In some ways we try to be morally sound. It is a sacrifice in our pillaged lives. Every leadership has had its power struggle. There is no real power, only the illusion of its existence. Yet man has been wading behind this illusion like the bait of an anglerfish deep below. There is no light in power and prestige. There is light and it is in our rich deen [faith]. You can never achieve the greatness of the One.

Humility is a large part of Islam and it is important that we examine its role in our current clash within the modern American immigrant colonies. Our beloved Prophet (saw) has confirmed for our Ummah [Muslim nation] the dangers of pride and that anyone with any level of pride will never enter paradise. You’ve already heard what I’m beginning to get at. In some form or another you will put this out of your mind because a voice will tell you that you’ve already learned the lessons in the paper. This is for them. “He isn’t talking about me.” The purpose of that previous sentence was for you to understand that you as an adult or child are still very full of it. Still arrogant.

I like to think that we are all good. We certainly were when we started. It was the Negro children who played with the young whites before their parents would separate them from such multicultural shenanigans in the 60’s. in the classic debate of nature v. nurture, nurture wins. Nurture is our point of failure.

We strive to wear nametags that say “doctor.” A degree is a pathetic excuse for a self-serving god complex. We take pride in such stupidity as heritage. What a truly stupid thing to be proud of. On the Day of Judgment, Allah (swt) will not separate us into Pakistan and India, our names and origins don’t define our actions. Our rabb [God] will separate us into Heaven and Hell. I know that because I realize day by day that just because I live in the shadow of success, I am not guaranteed success in this world. I pray that it is not the Day of Judgment that we all realize that heritage is a waste of time to dwell on. Take pride in being part of the greatest Ummah but never extent that pride to a cultural nametag. A name tag our forefathers recklessly took for granted and divided in the 1940’s. Culture continues to destroy the ability to think in a broad perspective, the perspective that our religion demands from human beings.

Culture is a direct byproduct of animosity. New borders are created when animosity is common and a people will justify this separation with the lame excuse of culture, skin color, and even name. The truth and beauty in the experiment of the American cultural melting pot is that it has exposed this. When you die, the subsequent generations after us will culminate a new culture and that culture will be eroded by the generations after it. So concerning yourselves with such a petty difference is a waste of time. You’ve chosen a new playing field to establish yourselves. Why do you think home is often referred to “back home?” Do you honestly believe your children to employ the same mentality? These are all valid questions that beg an answer. Truly origins extinguish with time and migration.

Our religion will prevail. Our culture will not. Fortunately for me, I can honestly say that the country of my origin is of little significance to me. Every day the tie-down on those of colored skin is being worn out and eroded. I speak English fluently and Urdu less fluently and that fact alone is a heavy reminder that our culture is already being eroded within the fabric of society. It is inevitable and it will happen.

It is time to drop our petty differences and stop concerning ourselves with such waste the incompetence empires before us crated. It is time to concern ourselves with the true reality that our religion is facing: annihilation and we must integrate into every level of the society that we live in to prevent it. This does not mean we diffuse our religious or cultural values. I am not asking that we drop all of our cultural customs. I am merely commentating on the fact that it is wasteful and erroneous to be proud about a cultural identity.
Let us allow our religion and our commonalities breath for once. Culture is a legitimate concern facing our immigrant society and that it is absolutely crucial that we address it and I hope we can learn to do so adequately. Our efforts should be focused on preserving religion not bloodlines and culture. For the Children of Men, history has always repeated itself but for each cycle of repetition, the one inconsistency has always been culture.

O Mankind! We have created you from one male and one female, and then we made you into different races and tribes so that you may know (and easily recognize) each other” (Qur’an 49:13)

opinion, public

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