Apr 19, 2007 21:12
So I spoke with my dad about the cab-driver issue I presented earlier when he visited me today for a little while.
Cab drivers, according to the law, can refuse service to those who carry an open liquor bottle. Whether it be cans or bottles, if it is open, then the passenger can be kicked out (the same is here in the state of Florida as well as in New York). However, he disagreed with them when they bring religion into it. So there you have it. They are wrong doing so!
In other news, I'm finally done with this week's classes to find out that next week is the final week before the finals. I swear I did not know that! My teacher said, "We have three classes left" and all I could think was a panicky "WHAT??!!" *sighs* Well, after that is summer school which is taking nearly all of my summer (for which financial aid isn't paying for and there goes one thousand something dollars for tuition) and then the fall semester.
Kill. Me. Now. I'm seriously going to die after this degree is done! After that is the master's degree for which GRE is important and then the ultimate decision whether I'd be going to the University of Arizona, University of Florida, University of Washington, or University of South Florida :) - listed in the order of preference. Hopefully I'll do good on those GRE!!!! But, that's for future references.
me: stressed,
muslims: stupid