my first tutorial !!

Oct 13, 2009 17:25


STEP 000.
Here is my starting image from Unedited. :D

STEP 001.
Layers > New Raster Layer > Change Blend Mode to Soft Light > Set Opacity to 100 > OK > Change color to #dfdad5 > Flood Fill Tool

STEP 002.
Layers > New Raster Layer > Change Blend Mode to Overlay > Set Opacity to 50 > OK > Change color to #fbecbf > Flood Fill Tool

STEP 003.
Layers > New Raster Layer > Change Blend Mode to Exclusion > Set Opacity to 100 > OK > Change color to #1a1c1e > Flood Fill Tool

STEP 004.
Layers > Merge > Merge All (Flatten) AND TADA YOUR DONE!!! :D

-Please please comment if you use this!
-Also, feel free to comment with any questions!
-If using I'd LOVE for you to credit samiicons
in a resource page or something along those lines.
-Thanks so much!!


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