(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 14:37

hey hey hey - it's time for a post.

so, i just recently got back from 5-day ojai trip. at first, i was a little skeptical about the whole ojai situation...however, the more time i think about the trip and the people, the more i miss ojai and want to go back. (however, being in my own bed is f*cking fantastic.) you don't know how great it was to get away from everything.
i could go on and on about ojai and how great it was for me PERSONALLY, but i won't. i don't feel like typing that much! i'll just let all of you wait to experience ojai for yourselves (and for you who have already gone on ojai...well, you know what i am talking about).
let me just say, i've changed in MANY WAYS...
and in the process, i have forged new friendships, i have made already-friendships even stronger, and i also re-kindled (i don't know if that's the right word) certain friendships with people.
certain people must be thinking...it has to be something in the food that brainwashes you...i'll admit, that's what i thought...but that isn't the case. ojai is an amazing experience. don't miss it for the world!
p.s. the sweat lodge is CRAZY! there are no words to describe it.

even though i was only in school for 2 days this past week (because of ojai), i'm soooooooooo excited it's spring break. i never thought the day would come. it's absolutely crazy to think once i get back from spring break, i will only have 5 weeks of school left! also, many people will have figured out where they are going to college...hopefully i'll be one of them!

i can't wait to see maya...even though i won't get to spend that much time with her... i found out she is first coming in the end of the first week, which i am leaving for new york on april 1st. that's right...i'm going to new york/vermont. i'm going to visit my sis, bro-in-law, and nephew in new york and then my bro-in-law and me are flying up to vermont to visit university of vermont. it should be a lot of fun. but the first week, i'm just chilling...so call me up if you want to make plans!

college news: i'm still waiting to hear from six schools...

i didn't start my spring break off well yesterday. i found out i got denied from Boston University, which was one of my top choices. i have mixed feelings about it. on one hand, i was upset because i was really considering it and i could have really saw myself going there. however on the other hand, i knew it was a reach school for me. oh well! BU is missing out on a great applicant!

well, i'm going to stop posting for now because i got to go do some things before beryl's party. can't wait to see some of you there!
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