Dec 04, 2008 13:53
So as I’m sitting at work and yes I know I SHOULD be working, but no one else really is, (Company Xmas party last night)
So I sit here and type, looking busy!
A few things have occurred in the last couple days….
Breanne and her daughter (my niece and great niece) are no longer moving in with me from Dec 13- Jan1
Sort of a relief, but at the same time, I would have liked the money…. Being so close to Xmas and all.
Next…. Ready for it?................ I might take in ANOTHER roommate Jan 1st , 2009
Okay before any of you start to panic and start remembering RFH…. This is someone I know!
Actually dated in the past. (About 4 years ago)
So we’ve been discussing the ground rules etc…..
Tell me what you think….
1) Under NO circumstances will we ever “play” not while you’re sleeping on my couch or renting a room. PERIOD.
2) Pay the rent on time and take out the garbage, I’ll clean the rest.
3) Do not use my computer, you have your own.
4) Smoke outside.
He’s clean, has a stable job, he works for the School Board with mentally, and physically handicap kids. Ages range.
The kid he’s working with now, is 23yrs old, blind, deaf and permanently in a wheelchair.
Challenging to say the least, but he loves his job, and has great patience.
He has his own friends and we’re okay with sharing the apt to entertain, etc…
I think with someone else I might not be so accommodating but we communicate well right now as it is…. So as roommates. Even better.
We’ve discussed the other person dating etc… we only mentioned it cos he recently brought up the issue of us revisiting the “dating” venue together again.
I said NO, and we’ve moved on… I won’t have a problem with him dating anyone or bringing them around; I just hope he can have the same respect.
I think he will, when he see’s how much fun I am to live with.
Even if it’s for a few months, I’ll be out of debt. It would be fun to live with an actual FRIEND.
Not an acquaintance, not someone from a roommate ad, not family.
I’m charging him a flat fee of $500, that will include his share of the bills, rather than having to chase him down like I did with, Breanne, GTG, and RFH.
I know I don’t have the greatest track record when it comes to roommates, but I have a good feeling about this one.
With that said, he probably won’t move in hahahahahahah
And now for the last piece of news…..
My sister Tracy (1 of 3) has called Bree and left her a msg inviting, herself, her daughter, my sister Lynn, her two grown boys and me to Xmas Bunch on Boxing Day.
(For those in other countries, Boxing Day is a stat holiday the day after Xmas if it falls on a weekday)
Well I haven’t talked to Tracy since Sept 07, Bree hasn’t talked to her in a longer time period.
Bree and I agree’d, we won’t go without each other,(strength in numbers, seriously) and I won’t go unless I get a direct invite.
I’ve recently changed my phone number due to a death threat received by a guy for rejecting his dates. The police are involved and all is good.
So she won’t be able to call me, but she can however, call me at work, email me on one of 4 accounts, or all of them for all I care.
OOOORRR simply ASK a sibling or Bree for my new phone number and can call me directly and invite me.
I AM NOT GOING BASED ON A THIRD PARTY INVITE…… she can get a backbone and, tack, some manners and call me herself.
Am I correct on this? I don’t believe I’m over reacting at all. Simple common courtesy…. Right?
You want me to attend your brunch, and then you can call and invite me.