Nov 20, 2007 17:36
rule one about bloging.. can anyone guess?
A recently posted a blog about an old co worker and an affair she had...... I've since deleted it.
WELL! the one and only co worker - friend that has ever had access to this blog. repeated that information so casually and informed everyone "I" told her.
sure I told her in the blog... see rule one.... what you read here stays HERE!!!!!
never in a million years would I ever think someone who I KNOW in person would repeat a single word... mostly considering I Have their blog to fall back on.
was this information just too big? you couldnt keep quiet?
this is how it goes down.
friend confides in me... I blog about it, informing blog real life friend SUPER DUPER SECRET!!!! ....
she repeats it... to the office..
now causing problems for those invovled, between the two friends, and then having to deal with the office in general cos they are like wovles when it comes to gossip cos none of them have lives enough to ingore the bullshit.
granted my friend didnt have to tell me,, I didnt have to blog about and blog friend DID NOT have to repeat it.
well it happened... now what?
I"ve apologized to those it matters to, but will not apologize for bloging about it. cos never did I think someone in blogland would repeat it.... its the golden rule for fuck sakes! this is where we put secrets that are too big to keep silent... then random people who you do not know read it and laugh at your life....
not only did I not use their names, or initials, blog friend figured it out and sitll opened her mouth. and she stands nothing to gain for repeating it...
we're all at fault.
three people are quiting.
what I find funny, is people are saying they heard it from me... hahahahah
well unless you called me or I called you,. you did not hear it from me... did I speak to you directly? no. then it wasnt me you heard it from... I may have been the source this blog friend got it from.. but I did not tell you directly.
these are grown women, some in an age catagory that should know waaaaaaaaaaay better
I will make peace with my friend and stand behind and beside her when she decides what to do with this.. cos she seems to be getting the brunt of this, not the person who started the rumour.
since then I have deleted VONNIEM as a blog reader and deleted her from my msn, email and anything else.
its a sad moment, but this secret was entirely tooo huge to repeat and should never have been.
yes I play a part for being at fault.
this will build character and give me a serious lesson that even the utmost secrets cant be held in confidence.
NOw I have to rebuild my friendship with first friend, cos she now feels as though she cant trust me.
she can... but for good reason with this blog, I do not blame her at all for being weery at the moment.
I'm surprised how calm I am about the whole thing.. cos I KNOW I did not start this rumor.
I will decide at a later date what to do wtih VONNIEM...probably just a serisous email how disappointed and unforgiveable this was..
it wouldnt be a big deal if this was just some ho hum little secret.. but it wasnt.. it was bigger than all of us.
now we're all paying a part of the price....expect for VONNIEM who betraded the golden rule.