Who pooped on my fandom?

Mar 17, 2006 22:28

I don't know how many people actually know it but I LOVE IGPX. IGPX is the new anime made by Production I.G. for Cartoon Network about robot racing. Honestly I don't really know why I like the show (maybe it's the characters). It's the Super Gals Effect.

I've been downloading and watching the Japanese raws as they come out in Japan (I don't have cable and I'd rather not watch a dub if I can help it) and was stoked to find out that the DVDs are coming out so soon out here. Uncut to boot! AND the special edition vol one comes in a fancy box with a Team Satomi t-shirt! I've been excited about it ever since. The other day ensuing mentioned to me that she saw the special edition at Best Buy... So I go to Best Buy tonight and get my copy and unpack it at home. The box is pretty sweet. The sides are all puffy, like a pillow and the shirt is actually NOT tent sized! OMGWTFBBQ?! how is this possible?! It's actually a size a human like me can wear in public without looking like I'm hoping no one will notice I"m pregnant. I guess it pays to be a fan of a show targeted to pre-teens. ^_^;;

Ok so I get to looking at the design on the back.. I'm excited cause it's supposed to have the Team Satomi logo on the back and that logo is sweet. I look and... huh.. this doesn't look like I remember it but my memory isn't the greatest so I look it up. Oh! WTF?! they CHANGED THE LOGO! Not only the Team Satomi logo but ALL the teams. The Team Satomi logo doesn't look all that different but then that makes me all the more confused about why in the hell they even changed it. Here's the Japanese team logos:

And now the US versions:

I'll be honest I don't think that all the Japanese logos are masterpieces (Edgeraid isn't that great and Skylark is okay) but why bother changing them? Man Velshtein suffered most if you ask me. That was a pimp logo and then just beat that with the ugly stick then squeezed the remnants between their ass cheeks to form some new monstrosity. And Sledge Mama? Ok the Japanese one isn't one I'm thrilled with but I think it works well for the team It's got a decent tiki-look going on *shrug*. Whatever. It works for them. But the US one? Hello 1993! This is the kinda crap you would see scribbled in the pages of some fourth grader's history book right next to a pentagram and a Metallica logo. I seriously hope that they don't edit these logos into the actual show (in either version). And if they don't that confuses me even more as to why they changed them at all. Helllooooo confusion.

Of course while searching the Japanese site for the logos I stumble on the Japanese DVD covers and I get really upset again. Let's compare:

Japanese Cover:

US cover:

HUH?! Words cannot express how confused I am at how much the US covers suck. First of all why do they use a different logo for the package than they use in the actual show? That literally looks like they took the original logo and crapped it out their ass. The japanese one is sweet. It actually looks like a racing magazine or something. Why the hell do they do this? All I ask is that they have their design work check by someone WHO ISN'T BLIND!

I understand that this is targeted to a younger audience but I still don't understand why they'd change all this design stuff. Frankly the kids don't care what the stuff looks like as long as the show is cool they really don't care about logos and junk. Why spend the effort to change it when it makes no difference to your target audience? The parents are the ones that make the buying decisions anyway. And does it hurt to keep something looking good for the people over 13 who might be interested? Why punish the youth of America with your crappy non-tallent (ok maybe I'm being a little harsh)? Let's raise them up to have good taste in design. Then maybe when they grow up and work for Cartoon Network (or Bandai or whoever is responsible) they won't inflict more artistic damage on the youth of America thus repeating the cycle.

Knock it off, ok?
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