if looks could really kill. then my profession would be staring.

Aug 14, 2004 12:28

i need everyone to comment on this whether i know you or not. you may post anonymously. i don't really care.

here it goes:

Is judging someone on their personality as bad as judging them on looks?
Which is Worse?
and Why?

and if you know me (even if we don't necessarily 'hang out'or talk or whatever), am i seriously judgemental? be honest or i'll hunt you down =D...for real. even post anonymously. i don't care.

do it..PLEASE. thanks in advance. this is just bugging me

mom said i don't like a lot of people. and that i'm really judgemental. or not accepting. but wtf? she doesn't know half the people i hang out with or am friends with b/c she's not very accepting herself...it had to come out
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