Dec 26, 2008 15:01
Christmas morning started with a phone call to Sean and me opening his present. He gave me a gorgeous pewter necklace crafted by hand in the Penwith Peninsula of Cornwall (where we go walking)...I love it..... its so thoughtful!!!! He's awesome!
Then we went over to Max's to exchange presents...normal banter occurred when receiving socks and duplicated smelly sets. I was pretty pleased...Mum loved her present (digital photoframe with scanned old photos). She was amazed that i could get the photos on there and kept referring to it as like a tv) was ace! Everyone was on good form seemingly having a lovely time.... I know Christmas is not about presents and stuff (it never has been in our house as we're all really hopeless when it comes to buying presents for one another) but what came next was complete maddness.
Max gave me my last present of the looked like a book (i was thinking good maybe its Gon Wak's book or whatever his name is) then when I opened it i realised it was actually a users manual and Certificates. I was gobsmacked, I went bright red, my eyes were welling, and then all i could say was "OMG...its not...OMG...its not....OMG...its not"....before everyone had enough and max gave me the keys!!!! He'd only gone and got me a bloody CAR!!!!!!!I had to walk up the road and find it :D I was shaking!!!! i'm still amazed now. All my friends will know that I've been obsessed with saving for a car.... I'm still amazed and overwhelmed by it all. I just can not believe it.... I hinted to him that i wanted an electric tooth brush for Christmas....hehe...
So yes, if you're on my profile page is absolutely covered with photos of my car :D
Without the car...Christmas would have been great...but...i'm amazed!
Best Christmas I've had in years (or ever)...CRAZY!!!
I'm off to Cornwall tomorrow for the New year...even thou I now have a TOMTOM...I wont be driving down there untill I at least have a few more miles under my belt ;) But soon I will :D