Jan 23, 2006 19:23
Weekend was pretty cool, went off to the Hobbit with Manda_da, Liam and Michelle. Randomly bumped into Adia and Ant, lovely to see them even if I was a bit merry by the time they arrived :o) need to get round to seeing Adia more…she’s a shiny person :o)
Sunday, work was busy and was well tired but I promise I’d meet Ant and manda_da for a quiet one…bumped into a sexy footballer and went back to his for C’BB, some hugs and a foot rub :oD
Today I worked early but it was cool and went really quickly and then mike and myself went off to see Bibby and her little baby Owen, who is the sweetest little thing ever… so placid and smiley :o) which was lovely… Mike is a bit of a fan of Bibby… I just can’t help having great mates can I? So that’s it in a nut shell… he is revising tonight, I might have another bath and watch some shameless, oh and go book hunting, the bugger is here somewhere. Ticking along, nice to see people and say yes to things.