Oct 27, 2004 18:07
Today Az and I watched Saved and I was kinda upset because the DVD is messed up but my mom is replacing it so it's all good. I'm kinda excited for this weekend...a lot is going on. I just want my room back. I'm like sleeping in it and everything but only my bed desk tv and comp is in it. I need like my dresser and my sisters bed. I feel more comfortable with them in here....I sleep better. It's so weird because it's so empty. I can't wait till the painter comes and fucking paints my room already. It's def going to be like another month. John Mayer--Not Myself...makes me cry for some reason. It's like an emotional sounding song. I'm so gay...yeah Az and I cried at the end of Saved because we're pathetic losers who need men. I have developed a new love for Jesse McCartney I listen to Best Day of My Life and Beautiful Soul 24/7 it's sick. It's all Az's fault, but its cool because yeah he was a dreamstreeter (which I am not ashamed to say I still listen to on occasion) but he's hott! and hes soo pop I <3 it...Its so 7th grade!...and yeah I'm listening to him right now. My bro is gonna yell at me any second for blasting this because hes just too "hardcore" Nothing is on tv tonight really...well MADE but I doubt I'm gunna b able to stay up that late, but I have been staying up really late lately I'm so proud of myself. Well I really have nothing else to write. It took me 50 mintues to write this entry...wow I'm a bum