(no subject)

Jul 29, 2008 18:41

I know, I haven't been around much. Caroline was here and I was all touristy, and then I just didn't have much to write about. Currently re-reading Sammy's Hill by Kristin Gore, because I just bought Sammy's House, the sequel. When I told Laura I'd bought it, she was a tiny bit tipsy, and she said: "Of course you did, you had to. I actually have Laura's Apartment upstairs." Hee.

Um, shipping meme I found on a random website? Here goes!
(This was really difficult, because I haven't been particularly ship-y lately...and 7-9 cause me deep shame, especially #8)

Shipping meme!

- List 6 ships you like. Number them from 1 to 6.
1. Marshall/Lily (How I Met Your Mother)
2. Jack/Liz (30 Rock)
3. Sirius/Remus (Harry Potter)
4. Rory/Jess (Gilmore Girls)
5. Barney/Robin (HIMYM)
6. Ron/Hermione (HP)

- List 3 ships that you used to like, but not anymore. Number them from 7 to 9.
7. Rory/Dean (GG)
8. Dawson/Joey (Dawson's Creek)
9. Veronica/Duncan (Veronica Mars)

- List 3 ships that you don't like. Number them from 10 to 12.
10. Ted/Stella (HIMYM)
11. Rory/Tristan (GG)
12. Harry/Hermione (HP)

- List 2 ships that you're curious about, but don't quite ship. Number them from 13 to 14.
13. Shawn/Gus (Psych)
14. Ted/Lily (HIMYM)


1. Why don't you like 11?
Because Rory never actually showed any interest in smarmy ass, really, and yet people insist they are meant 2 b 4-eva! And really, Rory/Logan is just, like, a grown-up Rory/Tristan. Every time the girl breaks up with Dean, she turns to gross, smarmy, blond assholes.

2. Do you know anybody who ships 13?
It's actually a very big fandom pairing. And, yes, I have written Shawn/Gus, so maybe it's just really easy to imagine. It could never be canon, except for the little bit of it that already is (so much love for Rachel Leigh Cook and "Oh, I get it, you're a couple" and Shawn's denial only of the fact that Gus is too good for him).

3. What would be your ideal circumstances for couple 3?
Sirius and Remus, together in the afterlife. I guess ideally, neither one of them would have died and they could have lived together after the war and had a happy little existence out in the open.

4. What's your favorite episode/scene of 1?
Their honeymoon. And their wedding. And their proposal. And pretty much every time they're, like, beyond cute. Which is almost all the time.

5. Since when do you ship couple 6?
Since ever. And every time Ron does something completely oblivious and Hermione makes huffy faces and stalks off and they're not friends for a long time it just makes it better when they're friends again. And that moment when they finally get together is SO PERFECT.

6. Why did you stop shipping couple 8?
Because I watched actual episodes that were not merely the finale and I got to know the characters and I realized what an asshat Dawson was and how charming and awesome Pacey was.

7. You have the power so that one couple doesn't exist. Pick either 10 or 12.
12 doesn't exist, so 10. I have a firm belief that Stella is totally not the mother.

8. What do you prefer, 2 or 4?
4 is the one that I can write the easiest, but I'm all for Jack and Liz hooking up one of these days.

9. What interests you about 14?
Even if it's purely platonic, Ted and Lily's relationship is just as long as Ted and Marshall's and Marshall and Lily's. And, they're both so hot, there's no way they didn't at least almost hook up at least once.

10. When did you stop liking 7?
When they started making Dean stupider. And that shot in "Lost and Found" when Jess sits up in bed when he's on the phone with Rory and his hair is decidedly un-crazy which was when I fell in love with him.

11. When you lost interest for 9, did you lose interest in the canon?
Nah, I just kinda decided that Logan was better for Veronica, as did the show.

12. What is a song that reminds you of 5?
I suck at picking out songs. That one that plays at the end of the last episode? Or, um, "Sandcastles in the Sand."

13. Which ship do you like the most?
Marshall/Lily, with Sirius/Remus at a close second.

14. Which one do you like the least?

15. If you could make two of these couples have a double date, which two would you choose?
Jack/Liz and Barney/Robin. I bet Barney or Jack somehow work for each other (I'm sure one of the things Barney's company doesn't want you to know they do is product integration). Robin and Liz would be deliciously awkward and they'd probably both be making ridiculous jokes and now I need to see this.

16. Has the second couple kissed yet?
*sigh* No, not yet. Almost, though. A bunch of almosts.

17. Did 4 have a happy ending? If the canon isn't over, do you think it will end well?
They totally met up after she graduated. You just know that one day in the future they meet up at a family gathering and then totally do it (Why didn't Rory and Jess ever actually jump each other's bones? Doesn't make sense to me).

18. What would make you start shipping 13?
I'd probably have to stop lusting after Shawn. Or he'd have to stop charming the pants off of every girl he sees and start charming off boy-pants.

19. If only one could happen, which one would you choose: 2 or 6?
Six. I kinda love the subtle, not-really-true-but-kinda-true love of Jack and Liz, and I think I could be happy forever with nothing ever explicitly happening.

20. You have the power to choose the fate of 10. What would happen to them?
I wrote this the day it happened and it's still totally true: Ted and Stella start getting ready for a wedding and Ted brings his yellow umbrella one day, and Stella's bridesmaid is all like, "Um, your fiance totally stole my umbrella! I left it at that stupid St. Patrick's Day party and he totes stole it!" And unnamed girl and Ted are gonna fight a lot, and then totally make out one day and that's the mother.

tv: gilmore girls, tv: veronica mars, tv: psych, books: harry potter, tv: dawson's creek, tv: himym, tv: 30 rock

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