chocolate chocolate chocolate!! ACK!!

May 17, 2008 06:49

Subject: What Liz Lemon said that Tracy Jordan saw in the paper. AKA: Best throw-away scene EVER.

My thoughts lately: ACK.

Yesterday: Packed everything. EVERYTHING. The suitcases are packed, the kitchen is packed, the extra stacks of stuff to go into packages are packed, except for my pillows, blankets, and computer, everything's packed.

ANGIE. FUCKING. LEFT. She hightailed it out of here while I was gone (more on that later) and left ALL of the cleaning to me and Elyse and an entire STACK of shit that she left and she told us that she's not coming back until right before she has to check out which means SHE LEFT ME WITH ALL OF THE CLEANING. Elyse has to leave early 'cause of her work, and I told her that it would be fine for Angie and I to finish cleaning the apartment - BUT THAT WAS BEFORE ANGIE DECIDED TO DESERT ME.

Elyse and I spent most of last night (while cleaning - the apartment still smells like the lemon Lysol spray) being pissed at Angie.

Yesterday day: Angie got up, left the door to our room open and started making as much noise as she could, apparently. *SIGH* After I got up, Laura and I got to hang at lunch, and then we went to Manifest, which is the best school-spirit thing ever.

Every Friday before summer commencement the school throws this thing called Manifest, which takes place over the entire campus (which is about four blocks down, two blocks the other way) and is made up of a bunch of seniors' work. Laura and I (and her friends TJ, Ben, and then some other animation kids) saw some live bands (dude, there's a reason ska died 12 years ago, but this one band didn't seem to have gotten that memo) and got a bunch of free stuff (including a book light and, like, ten jillion key chains) and saw a lot of art (performance art kind of freaks me out. It's just weird and disturbing a lot of the time) and got to see some musical outside and some tap dancing (!! and they even danced to "Moses" from Singin' in the Rain!) and it was gorgeous outside and there was a car covered in yarn and at the end of the day I went to see something at Animation that was some shorts that groups had worked on for 15 or 30 weeks. It was awesome and walking around all day and looking at stuff made me look at the school as an awesome place to be.

But after sleeping on my bed sans mattress pad for two nights ( and a half, I haven't slept much) and packing almost non-stop since Wednesday my back hurts and walking around all day plus then having to take a trillion, billion, google-illion trips to the trash can and back, my feet hurt and my back hurts and my legs were all worked out.

I'm thinkin' 'bout just packing everything up and giving up on sleep tonight. I'm not looking forward to today, really. Except for tonight, when I can hang out in Laura's house. She has a bed for me, too. Oh! And I need to buy a mattress, so we're gonna go to Macy's soon and hang out on all of them and find one for me. Plus, I still need to see Iron Man.

moving: sucks, roomies: are trouble, roomies: angie, awesome people: laura, real life: manifest, tv: 30 rock, roomies: elyse

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