A Treatise On Longing

May 10, 2007 00:12

So between the packing (Oh, God, the packing) and the editing (*dies* Oh, GOD, the editing) and the stressing (always with the stressing) and the crying-but-not-really-but-totally-really-and-most-definitely over the end of Gilmore Girls, I managed to find an idea for a story I wrote in the middle of my New Millennium Studies class sometime last semester.

And then I took the summary and the title and the first letter and realized that if I changed the tiniest bit around I could write it as a total future fic and nothing else could ever happen on the show that could end up pointing to my story and being like, "pshaw, that's stupid and would never happen." 'Cause it will be over.

You guys. Pretty much every single one of you is a GG/S-h.org friend. What? This show can't be over. Can you believe this? This piece of crap has been forcing me to watch it every Tuesday night for six years and I've seen every episode (many more than once) and I've obsessed over the characters since I was in 8th grade. I have been writing crappy fanfiction since the summer before ninth grade, I think, and really, it was this writing that helped me get uber (with two o's and a u with umlauts) obsessed with TV, which in turn led me to Columbia and what will (hopefully) be my future career as a script supervisor for a TV show that is (hopefully) led by the future Ms. Tina Fey herself, Rachael Sherwood. I've met amazing people and had wonderful experiences because of this godforsaken show. I've squealed, and yelled, and jumped up and down and danced for twenty minutes when a new episode's come on and done all sorts of crazy things while this show has been on. Even when the writers did stupid things (like Dean part 2: electric boogaloo or April or Lorelai sleeping with Chris or Rory staying with assy Logan who sleeps with bridesmaids) and I hated, hated, absolutely abhorred this show with every fiber of my being, I still watched it every week, and still cared what happened.

Favorite Memories of this Show, the ones that really had me hooked (in chronological order):

1. Discussing the 2nd season opener at length with Colleen not even ten minutes after it ended

2. That shot in A-Tisket, A-Tasket when Jess is on the phone with Rory and his hair's not the Jess hair and he sits up and starts playing with the bracelet--aka the moment I point to when I say I fell in love with him.

3. The fact that it was during this season my parents finally got me cable in my room, as I kept kicking everyone out of the living room Tuesdays at 7 if I even remotely thought they would talk.

4. The night of the 2nd season finale I was not allowed to be watching the show, I was taping it and I was supposed to be cleaning my room, but I kept clicking on the TV every once in a while and catching tidbits. I caught the kiss, just by sheer luck, and I remember turning it on, watching the conversation, shrieking when Rory kissed Jess, turning it off quickly, and randomly grinning and shouting "Oh my God" the rest of the night.

No wonder the 2nd season's my favorite. It's just the awesomest.

editing, fic, gilmore girls, the future, the end, packing, stressing

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