Random-ness! And lots of spoilers under cuts.

Feb 13, 2007 20:58

If the whole point of the non-accessibility of Veronica Mars is that there are mystery arcs that a casual viewer can't always get behind, why would they have such a blatant to-be-continued episode with not one, but two mystery arcs? How is that accessible to casual viewers? I mean, I love it, but still.

Hee. Logan and that girl were the cutest things ever.

Was anyone else hoping that when Rory started acting all flustered around the TA that it was the end of Logan? 'Cause I totally was. I was all like, "Yay! No more Logan!" And then when she sat down with Logan and talked about her crush I was immediately annoyed. Dammit.

Also: Chris is gone. I'm good with it. I guess. I dunno. My love: kaput. My interest: nearly there. It's just like a reflex, now, but it's still a big part of my tuesdays, as it has been for years.

Plastic!Winchester Theater has to be my new favorite thing ever. Even though I don't think I've ever seen an entire episode of Supernatural, it is hilarious and awesome and everyone must read it.

It is snowing. Blizzard snowing. We got dozens of inches (or 8-13, or something like that...I don't know) It's piled up against the windows and though it's not very fun walking through it with 40 mph gusts and 20 mph straight wind I still irrationally LOVE SNOW.  What I don't love is that even though today's classes after 5 got canceled (my only class ended at 3:30), tomorrow is supposed to continue as normal. Which while I will enjoy my studio class, I will not enjoy my English class at 9 in the morning with the 90 pages of the book I haven't gotten yet that I was supposed to read. That will not be fun.

Yesterday Katie came over and we filmed both of our projects

and then we watched Heroes and How I Met Your Mother.
How I Met Your Mother is so freakin' awesome, I just cannot even say. Why is it so awesome, you ask? 'Cause. That's why. It's pretty much the only sitcom I watch (I also watch The Class, but that's just a trick of the scheduling) and I totally want to get to the bottom of the secret of who the fuck is the mother? Though this story totally works, I don't think it'll happen.

And Heroes was amazing. Because it was. And it was awesome. And everyone was in trouble (which my dad complained about) but Jessica was totally awesome and Matt almost died (I really love me some Greg Grunberg, but I almost want him to take his diamonds and get the hell out of the show...BORING, darling. Sorry). Claire's mom's a bitch, and I'm just waiting for the Claire/Peter "I'm your niece!"/"I'm your uncle!" reunion. I dunno why, but I'm looking forward to some wacky awkward hijinks moments. That sentence didn't make sense. Um, and Missi Pyle rocks my socks (though I'm pretty sure I basically only know her from Josie and the Pussycats, which is a little sad) and Hiro and Ando's story finally got a little more exciting.
Anyway, then we watched Studio 60 and she left, and she's coming back tomorrow afternoon to help me carry all that freakin' equipment back (through miles of snow) which we haven't done yet since we were lucky enough to have Mike drive us back here. Mike's awesome. And his car (admittedly his brother's) was nice too.

So today I had to wake up early (for a Tuesday) and go edit, and of course it got annoyed at me and tried to piss me off, but eventually it worked and since it's a rough cut, I didn't bring any music, but I think it's pretty much finished. It only took me about an hour, which is so awesome it is not even funny; it's hilarious.

Saturday I took my new friend Laura to a party at Rachael's house, and now Laura is facebook friends with everyone (by that, I mean Rachael and Josh). It's kinda cool. It's strange to have different friends mix, though it would be weirder if, like, Colleen befriended Rachael. I don't think they ever would, though...I think they're a little too different.

Brothers & Sisters rocks my socks off. Last Sunday, there was a phone tree showcasing the wonderful ensemble of adult kids, Sally Field got high, Rob Lowe said, "Demi Moore. I used to have such a crush on her" and then announced he was going to win the presidency (and he pulled both of those lines off!), Justin got to play with his nieces and nephews, and other awesomeness ensued.

I think the reason I love stories with large adult families (The Family Stone, Brothers & Sisters, both of which have five adult children) is because I want to have a lot of children. I want to be Diane Keaton and Sally Field and have five children. I don't know. I just...really, really want a big family. And I kinda want to be a stay-at-home mom, which isn't always acceptable in this post-feminism world (especially among younger women). But I never had one and I think it would be awesome.


I really, really enjoyed Studio 60 this week. I had just about given up on it, and then they had an awesome 1999 flashback which rocked hardcore. AND THEN THEY FREAKIN' RUINED IT WITH STUPID MATTHEW'S STUPID ADDICTION AND THAT STUPID SINGER CHICK'S STUPID COMMENT THAT MADE THAT OTHER STUPID GUY DANNY AND CAL COULDN'T REMEMBER OBVIOUSLY ALL IN HIS IMAGINATION.

Good job, Aaron Sorkin. You suck.

"Oh Noes!" is my new favorite phrase, along with "*is flailing*" and "*are walking*".

Billy Joel rules at life.

p!wt, studio 60, gg, vm, how i met your mother, billy joel, heroes, brothers & sisters, friends, snow!, school

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