Jan 29, 2013 16:00

Hi I'm here to yell about things and those things are as follows:

1. the flaily parts of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

2. the sad parts of The Lydia Bennet vlog


4. I have a coffee date with a guy from OKCupid tonight and his name is the same as my long-time high school crush/current gay best friend and it's weirding me out a little


you guys. YOU GUYS. first of all, I'd really like to commend whoever's in charge of costumes on this show (I know most of the clothes belong to the actors, but I assume someone's in charge of what they wear when) because this is, what, the 6th video we've seen him in, and THEY CONTINUE TO COORDINATE THEIR COLOR CHOICES. I particularly like this one because it feels very Valentines Day-like.







And judging from the preview on today's Lydia video, he sits down more than once? The second time she doesn't lean forward to hit him. I don't know if this is the first time he sits BUT I HOPE IT'S THE SECOND I hope she just keeps getting a little more forward and interested. Like, the reason she's probably not doing anything is because she thinks he's the bad guy, but when Lizzie said, "Your brother's going to kill me," Gigi said, "No. He won't." which doesn't out and out SAY that he's still in love with her, but I sure hope Lizzie can see that for what it is. I JUST WANT A PEMBERLEY KISS, IS THAT REALLY SO MUCH TO ASK?

It might be, actually, because Lydia's video today was JUST HER talking about how much she loves George, and last night she went on a TWITTER SPREE of replying to people who'd said mean things about him, and then she said "you're more important to me than them" which means SHE'S DEFINITELY GOING TO DISAPPEAR FROM THE INTERNET and Friday's video is a QUESTION MARK and when you hover it the time stamp is ALSO A QUESTION MARK and during Bernie Su's AMA he explicitly said that Collins & Collins' internet-free company wide retreat was JUST SO Charlotte wouldn't be watching the videos (because there's no other explanation in-world) and SHE just tweeted that she's been catching up for days (good catch, guys, yesterday Lizzie said she and Charlotte had video chatted) so SHE'S GOING TO HAVE TO CATCH UP ON LYDIA'S VIDEOS and I don't know how much Charlotte KNOWS about Wickham but I feel like most anyone can see that Lydia's kind of not herself and ANYWAY Charlotte knows that Lizzie didn't want Wickham at Lydia's party so she knows SOMETHING.

I am just so worried about Lydia ALL THE TIME, she's not spending much time at home and not talking to Lizzie and Jane's "too busy" (but she was supposed to talk to her on Saturday but THEN WICKHAM TALKED HER OUT OF IT, THE BASTARD) and she doesn't want to impose on Mary so it's really just her and this guy who's obviously just using her and I'm really sad because Lydia from, like, episode 20 of Lizzie's videos is probably my favorite LBD character? when I was first watching them I rewatched that episode something like a million times, plus when I showed them to my sister we spent the rest of our time together yelling BECAUSE SHE'S ON TWITTERRRRRR! to each other so it holds a special place in my heart.

But also I am a wretch who is worried about Lizzie finding out because THAT'S THE END OF THE PEMBERLEY ARC, and the end is nigh and I've read like 17 fics about Lizzie having to leave and every time she always thinks "I'll never see Darcy again" AND IT'S KILLING ME IT'S RIPPING MY HEART OUT. I feel like it's either going to be during Thursday's video or the Darcys' Super Bowl party (I feel like Lizzie would maybe record a video from there I DON'T KNOW I DON'T KNOW) because they're making sure we know that Lizzie's invited to that party, oh my god, I don't think I've spent this much time on twitter since, like, all the Disney kids first got them in '09.

Speaking of twitter, you guys, let's talk about the transmedia experience of the LBD. Honestly, this shit is so endlessly fascinating. Like, we haven't seen Fitz on screen or really even mentioned since late October (not counting yesterday's costume theater, obviously) but he's BLOSSOMED on twitter. It helps that he interacted with Gigi before she was ever on screen, but, like, there's a whole #TeamFigi thing that's come out of this and even did a little bit before we saw Gigi. AND IT ALL FEELS REAL, like, sorry for bringing up the Disney kids again, but it feels like Gigi and Fitz and Lydia and Wickham are all ACTUAL, REAL PEOPLE, having ACTUAL, REAL CONVERSATIONS on twitter, and it adds a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL to the experience. I'm not even counting Saturday's pictures (though obviously THOSE WERE THE BEST, see: my new icon) but Lizzie's tweet before they headed out had the hashtag #excited and Darcy tweeted her after their outing that it was "our pleasure" to show her around, and Fitz and Gigi's conversation that led to more Darcy pictures, like, it was like watching something in real time!

And obviously this isn't something new: I've been following Erin and Ryan and Kelly from The Office on twitter for a couple years now, and right after Community started I think I was following most of those character twitters for a while, but this is like a huge, canon-related undertaking, kinda like the "next time on Arrested Development" in that they are not directly involved in the episodes but everything that happens in them is canon. IT'S JUST SUPER COOL AND I LOVE THE IDEA, I guess. Especially now that TV ratings are going to have twitter/social media buzz taken into account (Vampire Diaries broke records this week while their actual ratings went down) this feels kind of like a wave of the future, I almost wish I were in school right now so I could write a report on this or something (though I feel like a lot of that would just be random keysmashing about feelings I have and what could Pemberley Digital mean by their big exciting announcement this week?).

Oh yeah, you know who else is the worst on Twitter



Also last night Mindy retweeted some dude's indignant, "what, I gotta go to harvard to get a job making out with a hot indian girl for 10 years" or something and SHE'S THE WORST, SHE'S THE WORST FOR DOING THAT

I'm still half-convinced that they're secretly married and have been for years and Mindy's actually writing her and BJ's relationship from the beginning with Messina (SHE'S SAID THAT THEY'RE THE LOVE STORY AND SHE'S ALSO SAID THAT HE'S BASED ON BJ, WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO TAKE FROM THAT??) and one of these days one of them is actually going to let it slip that they've been married since right before BJ wrote that cold open about Ryan and Kelly getting secretly married (he sends her a pdf of the pages one morning at work, while they're sitting right next to each other in the writer's room, supposed to be breaking stories on how exactly they're getting Michael and Holly back together. she writes a few notes - "ryan should mention gay marriage," "kelly would totally call him by his full name" - in an IM, never once letting any emotion play out over her face THAT MIGHT BE FROM A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "ROMANTIC COMEDY" THAT'S HALF-WRITTEN AND IT MIGHT NOT BE) and that'll be that.

Mindy Jones' Diary doesn't even air here for like a million more hours and I probably won't see it until late but I'm pre-emptively dead from it.

Anyway. I've been on OKCupid for a while and almost met up with a dude about a year ago, and then I got fired and felt like doing nothing and ignored OKCupid for a while, and then just a few weeks ago I started responding to messages and now one of the dudes I've been talking to invited me out on a coffee date tonight and his name's Don and I'm nervous but also not but also YES and it's driving me a little crazy.

Also tomorrow I have plans to go to the comic shop for a signing of the next Hawkeye comic and for some reason I'M FREAKING OUT ABOUT THAT TOO, I wish I had someone who could go with me. :(

Plus I'm still slowly working my way through Everwood; I've finally picked up Photoshop again, though I'm still not great at it or anything; I applied for 8 jobs yesterday and 6 today; but really, my life is Lizzie Bennet Diaries and that one quote from While You Were Sleeping about leaning (that gif is saved as LEANING INVOLVES WANTING because I am who I am.

real life: okcupid, fandom: mindy jones' diary, fandom: lizzie bennet diaries, people: bj novak, twitter, people: mindy kaling

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