* I slept 12 hours today. Unfortunately, the 12 hours started at 5 a.m. this morning. Okay, it wasn't exactly 12 hours, because after the maintenance guy knocked on my door, I was able to get up and dressed and across the street to the Chase before it closed. But still. RIDICULOUS.
* Haha, Castle and Beckett are starting to bicker like an old married couple. More than her just being exasperated at him. We are only a few weeks away from meaningful looks and loaded pauses! (Man, I hope not; I hope they just bicker forever. PS: Next week looks DELIGHTFUL)
*"I named my cat after you." "What did you name her?" "Cat." Oh, man, Cat Deeley is my favorite reality show host ever, I can't help it.
* I spent last night cleaning my apartment since my mom is coming into town Friday. Every time I talk to her, she threatens to do the white glove test or something. And I'm talking hardcore cleaning - I bought carpet cleaner and everything. Man, the things I do for my mama.
*Hey, I won a fic from
torigates ! I have no clue what to ask for. I didn't think I was going to win(tie)!
* Miley deleted her twitter! NOOOOOO! She has the most delightful tweets ever. But oh man, this is some kind of weird controversy. Billy Ray asking for her put it back up? Both ridiculous and my favorite thing ever. But man, I wish she still had her twitter so I could tell her: "Miley, you can't say you're too busy to tweet if you have time to make up a rap." Sometimes I forget she's 16, and then sometimes videos like the one embedded down here (YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO WATCH IT AGAIN) show up and I remember.
Click to view
* I am so behind on TV (I just watched Castle, guys, and it's Friday) that it's pretty ridiculous. Also I'm out of my critical TV watcher mode, apparently, being out of TV classes, and I don't want to talk much anyway, being in two fiction writing classes.
* Speaking of classes, I was literally the only person in my MUSICAL THEATER HISTORY class (a class full of MUSICAL THEATER majors) who had ever seen There's No Business Like Show Business. HOW HAS NO ONE SEEN THAT? Sure, it has Marilyn Monroe in it, and Ethel Merman's not the greatest person to listen to, but it has Donald O'Connor in it! After you've seen Singin' In The Rain (OH MY GOD WHAT IF THEY HAVEN'T SEEN SINGIN' IN THE RAIN?) how do you not try to find Donald O'Connor being adorable in other musicals? He tap dances and falls in love with Marilyn Monroe and sometimes makes ridiculous faces like during the "Make 'Em Laugh" number of Singin' In The Rain. Like, I don't even understand. Maybe I can't quote every show Sondheim's ever written, but at least I've seen some of the older musicals. You know, THE HISTORY. Oh, well. At least they'd seen Easter Parade (ahhhh, JUDY, I LOVE HER).
* I'm rereading Easy Academy again. It still makes my heart hurt. I am also spending a lot of time thinking about how much they've changed, oh goodness. I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH.
* Speaking of Easy, guess which tin of DVDs is finally sitting in front of my TV?? I now own Band of Brothers! I invited everyone on facebook to come over and watch Sexy War and drink hurricanes, as it's the American way (and I'm trying to get rid of some of the excess of alcohol before my mom shows up).
* Oh, what the hell.
It was okay. I didn't really feel that the wedding episode was very much about Jim and Pam (which I guess was sort of the whole point of the elopement?). I also didn't cry, thought that Jim's toast was not as great as apparently the whole audience was. I did laugh a few times, and my favorite Jim/Pam moment was actually in the car on the drive on the way up, when Pam said, "Oh, should've hired a professional to take the mental pictures." That was very Jim/Pam, the reason I do love them. ALTHOUGH, okay, at the very end, when they were showing Jim and Pam on the boat, and Jim just looked at the camera, I thought, "Today was a good day," and I started crying. THEY'VE COME SO FAR. But seriously, an hour-long episode maybe should have affected me more.
Oh, but I did greatly enjoy:
- Kevin's "shoes"
- Andy spending the night in Pam's room! Hahahaha, AWESOME.
- oh, man, I'm starting to ship Kelly/Ryan again. I blame their twitters, which make me think they're actually together again.
- ALSO, hahahahahahahaha, Kelly and Erin's reactions to Michael staying in their room. I'm really enjoying Erin.
- AND THEN TOBY's offer to let Michael stay in his room, man. True story: When Michael was insulting Toby, I was just thinking, "But, he's gonna get married to Helen and have a cute little family, he's doing great!"
- the dance down the aisle, because I'm not made of stone.
Okay, off to watch the rest of the week's worth of hour-long shows! I haven't seen Bones yet, what the eff is wrong with me?