I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me

Apr 23, 2009 22:42

I have to wake up in 8 hours to go to work because I'M WORKING CONCESSIONS AT 8 FUCKING THIRTY IN THE MORNING, who goes to the movies then, I'm asking? And my wireless is being STUPID and I have, like, THREE WEEKS left of school and I don't even REMEMBER what TV I've watched recently (except yesterday I might have watched most of Au Pair, until it got to the part where they all hate her for a little while, then I just stopped watching and deleted it off my DVR).


Then I decided to rectify my lack of Joe pictures, which led into pretty much every Jonas picture I can get my hands on, which led to me re-naming them, and now there are three I can't rename because every time I look at them all that comes out is, "...guuuhhhh."

(this one could also be called "guuuhh in a bow tie")

So, there's that.

Also: Today I was re-reading the summer/junior year fall semester chapters of easy_academy and I was thinking about all of the boys and how there's Joe Toye and Joe Liebgott in addition to Joe Jonas, and I maybe sort of imagined Emily and Demi sitting around at lunch over at Waverly and talking about their Joes. Because the girls obviously don't call all the boys by their last names. I wonder if they have code names for them? Not that I really get the impression that Em and Dem (ha, I did that on purpose) hang out that much, but still. Hey, this is a crazy road of thinking to go down! I guess really I just want a Waverly outtake (also a Waverly T-shirt. And a Joe/Demi outtake, oh my goodness!). THEY ARE ALL A BUNCH OF AWESOME GIRLS.

Oh, and, IS IT MAY 2ND YET? I wish I had friends I could force to watch the series premiere of JONAS with me, but as it is I'll probably just end up sitting on my couch and giggling at the TV all by myself. And then getting tipsy and re-watching it about a trillion times. IT'S GONNA BE DE - WAIT FOR IT - LIGHTFUL, guys.

It's actually appropriate this one comes right after the JONAS paragraph, as that tambourine just re-iterates that Joseph will be the Davy Jones of that show (aka the cute British one cute girl-crazy one).

easy academy, joseph adam jonas, work, jonas

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