(no subject)

Oct 05, 2008 06:11

Whoops, I stayed up all night watching Grey's Anatomy!

I don't have anything to do. I mean, I do have things to do, I have a paper to write tomorrow, but I have to interview people, and I can't do that, because it's six o'clock in the morning and nobody's awake. Although my grandmother is probably awake, I don't know. I'm not sure if she wakes up later because she doesn't have much to do these days. Still, it's not a polite hour to call people. I say ten before you call someone on a Sunday morning. Maybe after twelve if they go to church (which I believe my grandmother does).

But, so, I skipped my Monday night Rock on TV class last week, and then my Tuesday afternoon Abnormal Psych class, so I was all worried about the homework I missed. So, it was six in the morning, and I was lyin' around doing nothing, so I thought I'd check out the homework I had due.

And...it's not a lot. I have to read some "e-Handouts" for Psych and write the aforementioned paper, so I'm pretty much doin' all I gotsta right now.

Except sleeping. For some reason I can't seem to do that (I'm kinda tired, but not sleepy? And earlier I was doing my tired-slurring thing while yelling at the TV and I don't remember the point of this parenthetical).

I can see myself going to Target but I can't see myself going to Jewel and I can't see myself actually doing all of the things that I need to do. I have to buy a CTA pass tomorrow/today. And I should, actually, write the paper today or something as tomorrow morning I need to go to the CTA office and register to get a new UPass or whatever you're supposed to do to get a new one. 'Cause I'm spending a crapload of money by not doin' it.

Oh, man. Maybe I need to go to sleep for an hour or two. Bye!!

ETA: Dudes! Roy fell 12,000 feet and survived on Grey's! I kinda love David Denman when he's not Roy. Except for the fact that he's always Roy. Smart People would have been so much better if it was just gay Roy gossiping about Sarah Jessica Parker's crazy loves for two hours. Which would have been more interesting. Gay Roy (I think he was gay...he was playing it that way, at least) was the bright spot in that flick.

grey's anatomy, homework, classes, movies, the office, real life

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