Jan 20, 2006 21:24
DRAGONS BBALL WON!!! yeah! thats TWO!
highlights: me and bec crashing and falling into the bleechers...
socks made a basket
mason sucks
we won...YAY!
me and alaina were like 15 minutes early so we hid in the bathroom...lol
walking in gym class....Hitler ate the pig HAHAHAHA
Bad: driving home my heater doesnt work so like me and alaina pulled over and ran around the car to get the snow off and stuff and then she pushed the heater thing in all the way to her house...then we DUCT TAPED THE HEATER TOGETHER! which took like forever and the roads were really bad and like i got to center and someone pulled right out in front of me and nearly hit me...well my car is little and its a sports car so its great for summer driving but horrible in the snow and i did a doughnut and ended up on the curve...it like seriously scared me...i was crying and i've never prayed so hard in my life...
but now i think i know what i'm doing about a few things cus like it was really scary and the car almost rolled and yeah...now that i'm thinking about it i want to do more with my life than what i'm doing... lame i know but w/e.
thats it