May 31, 2005 22:38
Don't get me wrong I like it here too, today was a great day outside, but going to Vegas made me realize more than ever that I do really want to live there. Problem is I need to find someone to go with me so I have someone to live with. My Aunt and Uncle offered to let me stay with them but I dont think, I mean, I KNOW I cannot do that. My Aunt and I dont get along very well. The part of my family that does live out there are very opinionated people and its very hard to be around them sometimes. They asked me the day we left when I was gonna move there and I told them that when I get money, a job and a place to live there I will be there. They said no problem. But Im not having it that way. So yeah again if anyone out there is willing to move to Vegas, let me know! lol.
It was super fun times though. We didn't lay out and get tan as much as we wanted but we did what we could. I did end up gambling and I won the first night i was up like $130 I believe and then by the time we left I ended up losing it, lol. But hey, it was fun. I will update more later for now I need some sleep cause I have to go to work in the morning... :o(