You've got until tomorrow (November 15) to send poems to Stone Telling for the current open submissions period.
We focus on fantasy, science fiction, surrealism, and slipstream, but would consider outstanding science poetry and non-speculative poetry that fits the flavor of the magazine. Friends of the Merril contest for speculative short (5000 words and under) short fiction, to raise awareness and funds for the Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation, and Fantasy (there is an entrance fee, for the IMHO reasonable $5). There are cash and non-cash prizes, and the contest site explains in detail what is meant by “speculative.”
Send us your weird stories, your unclassifiable stories, your work that pushes the envelope. Send us your interstitial work, or something that falls neatly into genre lines. Whatever. As long as it has a speculative element (SF/F/H, magic realism, slipstream, fabulism, surrealism, etc.) we’ll read it. Challenge us. Make us pause in awe at the beauty of your craft and your extraordinary prose. Evoke wonder. The submissions period is open for the Clockwork Phoenix 4 anthology, and at his blog editor Mike Allan explains what he means by “rococo SF.”
…if you read the sf stories I’ve actually published in the Clockwork …you’ll see that there is some element of the bizarre and/or the avant garde and/or the poetic and/or the dream-like that permeate them. Most writers who tackle elements like this in their prose and plots choose to do it as fantasy, but it can also be incorporated into convincing science fiction, and when someone pulls it off it makes me very, very happy. Finally, Lois Tilton at Locus Online
reviews the latest issue of
Bourbon Penn. Of “Everything You Were Looking For,” she says: A story of powerful love and very old magic. The author creates a convincing narrative. Bourbon Penn is currently open to submissions - try them if you have something good and weird!
Cross-posted to Samantha Henderson's Blog